Sandy Frazier is a freelance publicist specializing in talk radio. She has been in the business since 1998. Her vast experience in many areas of the media and corporate world has helped her to be very successful in promoting authors & expert commentators on radio and TV.
Sandy Frazier is an A-list freelancer called upon to conduct radio campaigns by top NYC publishers, such as Humanix Books, Random House, Crown Forum, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Encounter Books, Wiley & Son and many more for their hi-profile authors. She has been instrumental in helping her authors to climb the bestseller list at Amazon as well as having represented many books that made it to the New York Times list. She is well known by producers and hosts of TV and radio shows all over America as a leading agent to high-profile authors and expert commentators in the news media.
Sandy began her career doing PR in talk radio while helping CEO Christopher Ruddy to launch in 1999. She worked for Newsmax until 2007 when she went freelance and launched and has become a successful agent for expert commentators who enjoy being frequent guests on talk radio and TV.
We conduct campaigns and write press releases focusing on radio exposure from the grassroots level up to the nationally syndicated and network programs and cable TV. We focus on maximizing a client’s exposure through talk radio and broadcast media and work hard to keep the client’s itinerary moving along at a pace working around the client’s day-to-day schedule.
Sandy’s unique Pundit Program is gaining wide popularity among political and financial bloggers all over America. If you want to expand your reach via talk radio, the Pundit Program can do wonders. It’s affordable and you can sign up anytime and stay as long as you want – no contracts involved. Check out our testimonials, stories of great radio book tours and our ongoing blog with lots of success stories. If you’re consistent and work with us each week, you’ll get lots of great interview requests from shows all across America, Canada and the UK… as well as NewsmaxTV, TheBlazeTV, OANN and more….